Thursday, January 8, 2015

Time for all things

Sometimes are the times for doing and sometimes are the times for sitting, just being, and listening. Learn to listen with your heart. Learn to hear what is not spoken as well as what is said. Learn to listen to the pauses as well as the words.

Learn to listen to the tone, whether it is cheerful or sad, whether it reeks of anxiety or rings with laughter. There is more to listen for than merely words alone. It is like learning to truly see, to notice light and shadow and not just colors.

To recognize new growth among the old. To see when roots are crowded and it is time to replant. To see variances and veritables. To notice when it is time to water and to feed and nourish. To hear the differences in the bird's song and the sound of the wind.

Learn to notice all things, that is how to live in full awareness. Life is never truly silent even before a storm. Learn to read the signs, that is how to live in full awareness. That is how one knows when it is time to reap and time to sow, time to laugh and time to cry.

Know these things through awareness then you will hear more often the still small voice that guides you. Your path will be disclosed when you are ready, one step at a time. Do not worry for taking time off. This is also time to play, to visit with loved ones, to travel, to work.

Each time has its proper place in our lives. In order to live fully we must learn to make time for all things. Trust that God knows what He is doing and that everything will fall into place as He has planned. You are being guided to where you need to go.

Have faith, be patient, all is well and you are being guided along the way. You have worked hard and now it is time for a pause. To enjoy your family and your time. Soon enough you will be asked to work hard again.

God cares for each of His children but not all of them have learned, as yet, to truly listen, to see, to hear or to be aware. Be at peace with your life. There is much to accomplish yet. You serve God also when you sit and wait. Be of great joy, my child, listen to the wind for I am speaking through it. You are loved.


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