Sunday, April 19, 2015

Life changing attitude

It is important that we count our blessings every day so that we may realize the fullness of our lives. To realize how blessed we truly are and how much God loves us. The universe is alive with color, sounds, growth, blooms, songs, and a freshness that is palpable.

We live in an age of wonder where with a call we can reach out and touch friends and family. I enjoy such a freedom of being, a gift from God that allows me the time to see the wonders of nature. Just a few weeks ago I watched the trees, so recently bare, sprout nubbins of green and now they are in full leaf and providing shade.

The sky, which two days ago was heavy with clouds and depositing a load of rain is now clear blue with not a cloud in sight in any direction. The air is crisp this morning but promises to be a warm spring day. Thank you God for this time and awareness of seeing, and appreciating this gift.

Let me remember to come out often during the day, to take time to truly see, feel, breathe, and know of your creations. Let me remember to honor you and be joyful. No money on earth can purchase this beauty but you have given it as a gift to all.

We have the choice to be in awareness or not. To be grateful or not. To be a part of all-that-is, or not. Free to everyone willing to see, listen, feel, enjoy. Rich or poor, young or old, black, white, brown, or green, powerful or dependant, believers or not.

This day is a gift we can choose to embrace joyfully or blindly ignore. When we seek you it is as if scales are removed from our eyes, sand from our ears, and blocks from our  hearts and everything is seen in greater wonder, sounds clarified and our spirits enriched with love, gratitude, and consciousness.

You have enriched my life, Dear God, in ways large and small. When I start my day with you it is always fuller, more generous that I once thought possible. I am able to be more productive and still have time to just be. I wish I could teach everyone to slow down, to be more aware, to realize their blessings, to include you in all things so that they could experience how wonderously you change their life.


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