Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Just for today

God gave you the blessings of today. It is the only today you will receive today. Look in wonder upon it. Notice the clear sky, the warmth of the sun, the call of the birds. The sights, sounds, smells, and beauty. Or if it's raining, walk in the dampness and imagine God's tears cleansing you of all your pain, sins, and disappointments, washing all that is negative from your spirit.

Be still and be in touch with the greatness that is creation. Be thankful for your todays, each and every one of them, and do not neglect to truly see them evolving. Do not rush blindly through them, but savor the gift of today.

The smell of a rose, the vibrant colors, the soft breeze. Be consciously aware of each action you do today. If you are cooking do it with love, aware of the nourishment you bring to yourself and others that you love.

Share words of kindness and generosity that you bless this day with only good thoughts, spoken or not. Believe that God created this day for you to enjoy and make each thing you do a blessing in return.

Be in touch with yourself and your spirit. Let your joy of life soar. Each ritual is new today, even if you performed it yesterday, it is new to today. The mail you receive or send is today's mail. Today is the day to affirm a new you, for each day we are created anew to choose how we will experience our life this day.

Give up worry and fear for this one day. Realize you can have all the blessings God has given for today. Know that you are right where you are meant to be today. Miracles can happen today. Do not settle for less than the best today. When we are aware, each and every day is a gift and a blessing.


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