Friday, December 1, 2017

A trip to town

The sky this morning is cloudy with great coral billowing clouds and others gray streaked, almost charcoal, moving in over the mountains. Much of the roof tops are cleared of snow and I notice the absence of the constant dripping caused by melting snow from my own roof and realize, it too, must now be clear, but I was mistaken. After walking up the hill on the road I see that one side of the roof is partly clear, the other side is still mostly snow-covered. It is just too icy as yet to drip but will continue on with the sun's warmth.

Today I will go into town, to Santa Clarita. The forecast is cloudy but no snow or rain is predicted. Oh, joy! As the clouds gather, increasing in density I question my decision, but as the sun begins to peek out briefly I feel I should not miss the opportunity presented as I don't know what next week will hold and my shagginess is beginning to bother me, also I look forward to the freedom of the drive. So with faith in hand I am off.

Is a beautiful drive with clouds closing in behind me as I descend down the mountain. As I get ever lower both are reaching to meet, cloud to land and land to cloud until all blends into one.

The continued threat of inclement weather was even in town as if, at any moment, the sky would open up. I took care of my business in record time rather than linger as usual but felt no sense of anxiety, rather a reassuring peace from God that the journey would be a safe one.

It is good to be home as a thick fog has descended hiding all below in less than half an hour. The mountains, trees, and houses behind my home are all hidden from view, only indistinct lights show through as an indication of where a home is located.

Pesky, the squirrel, is agitated and screaming on the deck and dives into a tree while still chattering loudly. Peeker on the front deck was clamoring as well.

There is a damp feel to the air, almost as if you could wring it if you could hold it and release a wealth of water to the ground.

The cats are all resting, Lil Bit centered on a pillow as if he is a royal offering, the little king of the house for sure.

A few stars appear in the night sky out front but are hidden from view behind. It is as if front and back are two different worlds, door-to-door, a house divided indeed.


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