Saturday, January 6, 2018

Finally I can shovel

I awake to another day of bone-chilling winds that make it too cold to shovel, they eat right through my layers of clothing and even the squirrels retreat to their homes without finishing their meals. The winds always seem to proceed the storm and the air begins to take on a hazy texture that is snow laden as clouds begin to gather. We had some snow during the night, as well as rain. It hasn't let up in three days and it is best to stay indoors where there is at least a semblance warmth. I do get the decks cleared off early though and put out the squirrel's breakfast.

When the winds die down I take the opportunity to start shoveling the driveway one scoop at a time. I do not think beyond that. The slushy snow is much heavier. We have to remember to give thanks when it is only soft flaky snow, but I managed to get all the way to my car before quitting for the day at noon.

It is time for rejuvenating shower and to get ready for my ride to the post office. I am grateful for the friends who take me. They truly are a blessing. I'm able to mail one of my daughter's packages, the other will go out tomorrow. I insure it to be on the safe side and don't know whether I've insured a box of people magazines or baby clothes as I couldn't tell which box was which when I grabbed them. Either way, I'll insure both and they will be the priciest people magazines shipped.

Peeker, the squirrel, has conquered the birdfeeder hanging from the eaves, the ingenious brat. He climbs up the side of the house and then leaps onto it. No feeders sacred to the squirrels and they are greedy, fluffy-tailed, craters with tremendous appetites and a perseverance many people could learn from. I think the fruit-nut mix I filled the birdfeeder with is an added enticement. It seems there will never be enough feeders to accommodate all the birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and many other critters living in the forest.

Now both squirrels are trying to protect their space from invasion I haven't gotten to the tree feeders because of the heavy snow, but soon, I hope.


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