Friday, January 19, 2018

Night and Day

There is nothing like the stars in a clear cloudless sky in the mountains set against a backdrop of a black border with trees and house shapes along the horizon in all directions. The world seems so vast up here and yet it is a fairly small community. The peace at night is something I treasure, as well as the chatter of nature during the day.

The wee birds who nest on my deck in a corner to catch some sleep or in the flower beds in the dirt along the sides of the house, their heads tucked beneath a wing and their eyes closed to the light but always alert to what is going on around them. At night they all return to their safe havens to awake in the morning when they will return to my house for more seed.

There is a rat nesting in my wood box and he has chewed away a the corner for easy access in and out and, of course, leaving droppings all around. I'm going to have to take action against it as it will not move and it is unhealthy so close to the house and he may try to find his way in. I know that rats are God's creatures too, but I cannot tolerate them. I do not know if it is eating in the birdfeeders or what.

I am appreciating the warmth of the past few days. I have actually been able to wear a T-shirt and to put away my sweater until evening. I've also been very tired and have suffered many headaches lately. I do not know if it is a sinus infection of a migraine. But each day's beauty is a gift and a blessing here nevertheless.

I have been concentrating on working on my genealogy and making progress although it can be confusing tracking the family back and forth and losing my place temporarily. My cousin keeps trying to send the GedCom file from France, without success, both to me and my son, perhaps it's just too large.

The snow is beginning to melt off. The driveway is clear, as are the flowerbeds, and more golden flowers are opening during the warm days. I have planted two small blueberry plants and will wait to see if they take root. The three little roses that have survived the winter indoors I planted on the hill and said a prayer that they too will prosper. The junipers look as if they have survived the winter and are greening up for spring. Here on the mountain, in God's country, I marvel at nature both night and day.


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