Sunday, January 7, 2018

Thoughts of expansion and exploration

I can always hear the scamper of little feet; only here they are not children but furry, fluffy-tailed squirrels. Nevertheless, they are God's children too and he created them with the same love He has created all things with. I'm grateful to be able to provide some nourishment for them and they give me back much amusement with their antics.

I have finish shoveling the driveway, once again, and water runs off coursing down to the backyard as the sun slowly melts the snow, never clearing it completely this winter since the storms began but doing its best when it is warm to keep the drifts from getting out of hand. One small edge of the flower bed has melted off and a tiny golden freesia is peeking out from below, again surviving a pile of snow atop it.

I often wonder if there is an empty lot between my home and the neighbor's due to the vast space occupied by trees between them. I envision clearing part of it and building a garage with a studio atop where I can set up my drawing table, have a skylight, plenty of window light, storage, and a walkway to my house, as well as a gallery wall to display my artwork. It would be quite right to have an art studio as my home is perfect for living, especially for one, but will not accommodate my big drawing table, which is really a door. What you think God? Maybe even a second computer for my graphics.

I really feel that I need a place of business, what better way to walk to work if the lot was for sale, I could purchase it, and afford to build a dual-purpose studio/garage that would fill both my needs. I can see the clearing quite well and I would build up instead out, leaving the maximum forest area untouched for God's creatures in the unspoiled beauty of the land.

I still have not journeyed the depth and width of my backyard and I feel I should do that before long. To explore the pines that are part of my property. To get my country legs under me and not be in fear of falling down the hill, and to judge the best area to create a path using natural rocks as well as some stairs in the steep areas. It is a wonderful, peaceful, area to walk, to be in touch with God and nature. To find a spot to sit and meditate and just be at one with my surroundings.

God has led me to this area for a purpose and all will be revealed in time. Meanwhile, it is time to expand my horizons and to explore God's country in more depth.


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