Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friendship is a treasure

Blessed is he who not only enjoys the gift of friendship but the joy of being a friend.  Of giving not only his possessions and time but of his heart and spirit.

Friendship is one of the most worthwhile commodities, along with love, that we can possess.  It cannot be bought but must be earned.  It is a commitment of the heart to another.

It is an act of unselfishness and generosity that rewards us in return.  Friendship is not true friendship if it is one sided, although out of necessity at times one can be more in need than the other.

It is a seesaw effect and we should be there for each other through the difficult as well as the good times.  A friend makes time for the other.

A true friend truly wants to know what is going on in the life of the other because they truly care.  It is not just about them.

They cry with you in your sorrow and rejoice with you in your joy.  They do not judge but accept you just as you are.

A friend embraces your differences and doesn't try to change you.  They treasure you for all the things you are.  A friend is happy for you even when your goals take you miles apart, and they keep in touch.

Friendship is a warm fuzzy feeling.  It is reverent and respectful.  It allows for mistakes without abandonment. 

It is often patient and always kind.  It is sitting on the beach and saying nothing and being comfortable with it.  It is laughing at the same things and having private jokes.

Friends are there for the long haul no matter what.  It is a brotherhood and sisterhood of spirit.  At times it is closer than family.  It is not to be taken for granted but treasured for it brightens our life and our heart.

He who has a friend is rich indeed.


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