Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Give God's Grace Today

God works in and through us and we can succeed in accomplishing more in our life when we seek Divine assistance and guidance.  For He is the way and through Him all things can be accomplished and without Him we are butting our heads against a stone wall.

He smooths the path before us, aids us in ascending the steepest hills and transports us through the deepest waters.  All we need do is seek Him and He is there.

When we are too weary He will carry us until we have regained our strength.  We are never alone.  He has put Angels at our side to guard the comfort us through the daylight hours and into the night, a constant source of love.

There is no human love greater than God's love, not even that of a mother for her child, but when we seek Him in our relationships He enhances them and intensifies all the love we receive and also give.

We can see Him in the poorest of the poor, the elderly, lame, physically and mentally challenged.  Whatever our circumstances we are all children of God and He loves us equally.

Do a kindness each day, that the day will be blessed.  Ask how you can serve Him to bring joy to the lives of others.  This life is not just about us but what we are doing with the gift of life.

Give it greater meaning by bringing the Divine in to share it.  By recognizing Him in those around us.  By being generous of spirit.  It can be as simple as supplying food for a humming bird, opening a door for someone heavily laden, giving a smile to someone who needs it.

Reaching out in God's Name.  Let His light shine through you and brighten the world.  Pray for others as well as yourself for love and peace, joy and brotherhood that the world become a better place for all.


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