Tuesday, February 12, 2013


What is inspiration?  Some people think it's a muse, your own personal idea genie.  Mostly to me, it is a peaceful contemplation without conscious thought, a meditation on the wonder of nature; the flight of birds, the scent of a breeze, the subtle sense of flowers titillating the air about you.

A visualization of color everywhere; the blues of the sky, the sun-dappled greens of the plant life all around, the subtle nuances of light and shadow, the earth and the roots seeking.

It is an inactive awareness of all creation and the self a component of the energies everywhere.  It's an auditory opera of birds trilling, leaves rustling, air stirring or still.  It is opening myself to all the wonder of the world, a feeling of an expansion of the soul and mind, a becoming part of allness.

We all have it in us if we still ourselves enough to openness.  For it is only when we allow ourselves that space in our soul that inspiration can enter, take shape, grow, reform, blossom, and gradually become a particle, a spark, a dust mote in your subconsciousness.

An idea cannot ignite without that infinitesimal beginning, that seed, that grain that pollinates your thought processes.  You cannot strain and work at bettering your brain for it, only silence yourself and seek it in quiet appreciation and stillness of being.

Love all that is around you and send that rapturous joyful appreciation outward to the allness of the universe.  The gift when returned takes life in your spirit, pulsation in your blood carrying its own energy of creation, we are just a tool God uses.

Inspiration is a gift He gives us, use it well!  Let it guide you, do not try to force it, like a flower it slowly opens until the full bloom materializes, only then can we begin to become the brush, the pen, the sound created, owned by the inspiration, not the author, and in awe that we can create at all.  And always thank God and the Angels for they are the means to the creative journey.


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