Sunday, January 8, 2017

Face to Face

We are never alone with God. The more I meditate, the more aware I become of God's blessings in all things. I see life with new eyes because now I take the time to look at everything and truly see. I am surrounded by beauty in the flowers that inhabit my patio with me and wherever I look I see the world in glorious bloom.

These are God's blessings, I hear the birds in their conversations and hear it too as praise of the Lord. How abundantly we are provided for. We are rich in gifts when we open our eyes to the world around us. Praise God for all the wonders in the world and the vision and time to enjoy them.

Make time each day for this gratitude, for this is the road to inner peace. Life was not meant to be hurried through. We fill our lives with constant bombardments of T.V., and computers, and videos, and such, that we have forgotten how to sit and just be and experience the world around us.

It is much grander than any automation that man has created. Just watch a bird in perfect flight, soaring through the sky, without trouble he glides in the air. And pollen light as air floats by in slow motion. The lights and shadows of nature are more magnificent than any captured on canvas.

There is constant movement, constant growth, constant change, and all we need do is sit quietly and feel a part of all existence. The trees wave their branches at me in greeting the and pansies impishly lift up their faces along with the violas.

We learn from nature, what needs sun, and what needs shade, to feed when necessary and quench thirst and thus we too are as caretakers in our world. I do not want to waste this gift of time, but use it well instead.

I pray to God daily to guide me, to help me to grow even as the flowers grow and lift up my face to God. The day will come when we are face to face, on that day I can thank Him for all the wonders He created and for this gift of life.


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