Friday, January 20, 2017

To Bloom

Spring is the time of new growth. May we make it a time of growth within as well by cleaning out unwanted debris we've been carrying, of any hostility, feelings, of unworthiness, or emptiness, feelings of abandonment, of hatred, prejudice, dislike, unloving thoughts too.

Clear the closets of uselessness and put yourself to purposefulness. Give to the needy what you don't need, therefore making it something of worth.

Sweep away the cobwebs of doubt and distrust. Open the windows to love and laughter and joy. Organize the disarray that you may find what you are searching for. Inventory your pantry of abundance.

Take the time to pause outside to rest and open your eyes to the world in gratitude. At the beginning and end of the day take time for thanksgiving. Aways live in awareness, unclutter you remind of doubts and troubles and let in the light of trusts and appreciation.

God gives us this time of renewal for ourselves, as with nature, so that we too can bloom with love.


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