Tuesday, October 31, 2017

One home and garden

This place is definitely one of the spirit, for you feel a greater interconnectedness just looking out the windows at the majesty of the mountains behind, the snow-covered hills in front, sparkling icicles melting from the sun, clinging to the branches of the oaks outside my kitchen and dining room.

The array of birds seen in the trees as I sit at my table is a constantly changing tableau. I am learning to identify more of them and to recognize their differences as in the variety of Blue Jays alone for we have several. The gray squirrels also are constant climbers in the trees and often stop to peer in the windows. They are gluttons when it comes to food but they are worth the expense for the joy amusement they give in return.

I took a walk of the hill and back for exercise. I've found that I too would like to plant more pines up front and to see which ones thrive best here and to at least plant one a year. Also, I want roses in my garden and feeders dispersed among them and some baby's breath and yarrow. I understand the butterfly bushes do well up here, a deep blue one would be nice in the yard and a good contrast. Also, I need to decide on the type of ground cover.

I have noticed that on the sunny side of the house most of the snow is melted off the roof while the other side is almost totally covered still. It is quiet and still and peaceful. I have never found such serenity anywhere else in the world. To have the wants of the sun and the beauty of the yard filled the snow is a double blessing. Is like having summer and winter combined.

I've been looking at gardening books and trying to picture a landscape for my hill in my mind before I lay it out on paper. Patience and time will bring it to a reality as well as hard work and healthy plants. It will be an investment well worthwhile. I do not want it to look like a city garden, just to enhance what already grows naturally, defining the outcroppings it already has. The challenge will be to create some type of path leading up so that I can manage it all. It needs more thought and study. There is no hurry for I plan on being here for a long time. Like me, my home and garden, as well as my forest need to evolve.


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