Saturday, December 22, 2012


What is love about?  Is it a necessity we think we need to fulfill us or an acceptance of our own being?  How can we learn to love others unconditionally until we learn to love ourselves that way?  First we must learn to acknowledge that we were created only in love because it is the Divine that gave us life and purpose and the divinity is pure, unconditional in love.

This love is unfathomable, endless, without boundaries or restrictions for who we are, without modifications.  Why do we have such difficulty accepting that?  How we accept the ability to be loved unconditionally affects the relationships we develop in life.

Ours have become a world of always judging ourselves and others as worthy or unworthy, scorecards in our hands.

God's love just is.  It just exists without the necessity of our needing to earn it,pay for it, accomplish something worthy of it.  Like God, it just is, always was, and aways will be.

Learning about love is part of life, of our existence, our purpose in being here, of your spiritual growth, our self examination.  We need to learn to give love without attachments as well as accept it that way.

We need to take time to just be, to quiet our minds so that we may hear, feel, and become the love that exists within us.  It breathes along with us.  We exhale it in giving, and inhale it in receiving.  It is part of all that is.

In spirit, the angels speak it to us and embrace us in the love divinely sent.  All things from God are for our highest good.  God wants only the best for us, and yet we entangle ourselves through judgment believing we are not worthy.

And thus we leave this abundance of love on the table, unable to accept it for what it is, unconditional.


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