Monday, August 4, 2014

Thanks for Today

This is the day the Lord has made, let us be thankful for this day and I am grateful. For the rain that is badly need. For the air that smells so fresh and clean. For the bath that my car got. For the opportunity to be outside, no longer locked indoors from 8 to 5.

For the time to talk to my daughter and hear her cheerful voice. For the homework I have to accomplish. For my friends and family. For my kitties who keep me company and for all the blessings God has given me. No matter the weather I like to spend time outdoors.

To see the beauty around me. To talk to God and be silent so that I may hear his answers. Where I am at this point in time is right where I am supposed to be. God has seen to it that all my needs are filled and has given me a sense of peace I have never known.

The opportunity to learn a new vocation and the time to do it. Never before have I been so aware of my everyday and been filled with such gratitude. God has taught me so much. To slow down and to be more aware. To appreciate everything in my life.

To share the joy I feel and the deep love God has for all of us with others. That it is important to take time for God before anything else. That we don't need to struggle to have abundance. That we don't need a lot to feel grateful. That the more we share the more we receive.

That we don't need anything else but an open heart and a willingness to have faith, ask for guidance and be willing to listen and follow the path He puts before us. That there is no need to worry about the future for it is in God's hands and He know what is best for us.

That God loves to see His children happy and to hear from us. That He is never too busy. That He is everywhere including our spirit within. That we are part of the great-I-am and each of us has a purpose to fulfill. Something only we can do, and each day is perfect with God.


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