Monday, July 13, 2015

God is in control

I have been in doubt most of my life. My doubts kept me from pursing my dreams by reinforcing my own sense of unworthiness. Doubt is an offspring of fear, as is worry. Doubt and worry seem to go hand-in-hand. I have felt a lack of control fir most of my life and only felt I gained it when I "let go and let God", and allowed my life to change direction.

I realize it is impossible for me to control the situation as it is not in my hands. But I can take the path into the spiritual. To seek to know the divine within us all. To release worry, fear, and all the other negative emotions that have been cluttering up my life and keeping me boxed in the cage of my creation.

Release is freedom to choose again. It is allowing God's will for our highest good. It is an accepting of the truth of a situation without fear for God is in control. In order to be a magnet to blessings we must accept our part in creating by self-awareness, conscious living, and releasing our hold on a predetermined outcome.

Believing God blesses us with more than we could imagine. He never fails us but sends His angels to guide us through. Affirm yourself, be grateful for the experience, release all fear, feel joy in the moment, release the outcome, have faith in the divine, believe you will receive all that you need and more.

When we remain focused on our inner spirit instead of our outer desires our intentions are a greater reward of divine will. For with God in control nothing can go wrong. God is the truth of abundant living. Belief is joy on a daily basis, led by God, all is good.


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