Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A fulfilling day

The sounds of nature this morning were joyous, like a chorus of one thousand singers in complete harmony with the full-blown orchestra in accompaniment, almost as if a riot of color in song. What a glorious day, the birds were saying and I agreed.

There has been much activity at the feeders. It is funny to watch the small wrens chase away the larger finches and of course, the Blue Jays try to dominate everything. The squirrels were playing a game of chase clear across the yard, up the side of the neighbor's house and onto the roof. Of course, I realize it is not in fun but a declaration of territory.

Filled all the suet feeders, including the new one, with a variety of flavors and put the new birdfeeder in the backyard and stayed to watch the investigation. First, the blue jay tried to stand on the side with little luck as this one is built for the smaller birds, then the finch tried feeding and finally, a gray squirrel was going from trunk to branch from tree to tree in an attempt to get it for himself, unsuccessfully. He finally left to steal the seed from the tree feeder he usually rocks. I'm grateful to be getting a few that are better squirrel resistant or the poor birds would be going without.

I'm excited to be going off the mountain again today as my friend invited me to accompany her to Bakersfield and have lunch out, also my neighbor has invited me to play Bingo tonight so I will have a very full day.

The cats are all at their window stations enjoying the sun, napping and birdwatching. They certainly love the wide ledges on the windowsills. It is peaceful and quiet for now.

Lunch was excellent, the chili relleno burrito, and I treated myself to some Good Earth Tea at Trader Joe's and some cheese bread for sandwiches. I was tired when we arrived home but again contented to be back on the mountain in God's country.

I met several neighbors at bingo and one and all were warm and friendly as well as funny and openly sharing. I even got to wear the Seuss hat and laugh at myself along with others. Luckily we arrived home before the big winds came, the back door could not be contained as the force the wind slammed it open again and again until I popped heavy articles against it. Thank you God for showing me the need of the deadbolt.


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