Sunday, February 18, 2018

Great changes in my life

I have been rethinking my blessings of this past year, the ending of one chapter in my life and a whole new world that has been given to me. I have achieved closure in some areas and a new door has opened. I have been transported from being enclosed away from wide-open spaces to the beauty of God's country.

I know that God answers our prayers and needs, not in the limited way it is our nature to believe, but in a greater, fuller, richer, way than we could imagine possible. I wanted space and God gave me a home on the hill with an endless expansive sky, great forested areas and a view that goes on for miles that takes the breath away. Where I formerly felt suppressed, I now feel serene and expansive.

God wants more for us than we possibly could ask for ourselves. I was in a job that had suppressed my joy and an estrangement with family that left me feeling empty at times. I've found when you ask God you'd better stand back for answers come quickly and in and abundance that can stagger our imaginations. The same day I prayed the job that was sucking the life out of me ended and a healing began, not just physically and mentally, but in a great spiritual growth that is taking me on a new path. God gave me back my dreams and the time and training to put them to use and, I'm sure, the expectation that I do so.

The gulf with my immediate family has not improved much and have learned you cannot force what others have no desire to give, but God has given me a wealth of family I never knew. Shortly after my prayer two cousins came back into my life I had not seen in many years and thanks to our mutual interest in genealogy I now have a wealth of cousins in a multitude of countries I'm getting to know and opportunities to travel and meet them. It is a healing not only for myself but others as well.

I've also been blessed with the new granddaughter who is dear to my heart and fills my life with joy even from miles away, as do all my grandchildren. God does give us what we need when we need it and all we need to do is ask and leave the answer to Him. Then be prepared to 'receive' and 'believe' that it will be so, for God loves us unconditionally and completely.


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