Thursday, May 16, 2013

Such as we

You are as a candle
in the dark corner of my life
come to enlighten it
and ease some of the strife.
Love eases sorrow...To
give consolation to the heart
for sorrow is a well so deep
that only love can reach that part
of the soul... when in distress.
In my heart is a beautiful
world... vivid with colors and light
and songs that lift... it is so full
that it passes beyond all possibilities
of containment... as if it would
overflow with joy or sorrow at
any moment... Oh, if it could
utter a word... I know what
it would be... it would speak of
you... and me... two spirits
so free... We flutter above
all others... understood in
the quiet silences... love brings.
Love speaks with its eyes and
smiles... and the way the heart sings
not with words... they are for mortals
not lovers... such as we.


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