Friday, November 18, 2016

Life is good

It's a beautiful morning and I feel blessed to have the time to enjoy my patio, to watch the hummingbird drink from the feeders I bought them and to notice the wonder of God everywhere and in everything.

To realize heavenly qualities are alive right here on earth, we only need to see the beauty around us and to feel it in our soul. I feel I am in the process of awakening to a new life. I don't know where the path will lead me, but I trust in the angels to follow where the creative energy is moving me.

I feel my soul is alive with more wonder and that there is a greater purpose to my existence now that I have allowed a greater power to change direction in my life.

Life makes sense again and I feel free. With the angels, we are free to adopt fresh perspectives and experience a new openness to explore all possibilities. The most creative thing we can ever do is to be fully alive in the here and now.

When we are fully mindful of the moment we are in full harmony with life, and it is beautiful. I have read that the two most inspiring elements are personal freedom and spiritual integrity. For freedom, when cultivated, allows us to be ourselves, and integrity is being true to ourselves.

We came into this life to be ourselves and the sooner we are true to ourselves, the sooner we will accomplish and enjoy our true purpose. I've found the blocks that we impeding my creative spirit existed only in my mind.

This mindset I had about work and the necessity of being there were consuming all possibility of purpose and was weighing me down. Once I made the conscious choice to leave the decision up to God I feel as though I've come out of the darkness and into the light and I can honestly say it changed my life.

Now it is time to look within for answers for they are inside waiting to be discovered. With the angels' help, I know I will find my answers. They have very creative ways of guiding us and they know the secrets of our soul.

They will be with me each step of this new journey in my life. They have not only give me a gratitude for God's blessings, but a deeper experience of the here-and-now reality. One thing that has really helped me in changing my attitude is keeping a gratitude journal.

Each day I write at least one thing I am grateful for that day, even if it's as mundane as a good night's sleep, or a hot cup of coffee to start my day.

If we do this each day we start looking for the positives and the negatives have less importance. It's 8:20 in the morning, and so far today, I am grateful to be up early to enjoy the day, to be outside for my morning coffee, and to hear the birds singing and the joy it brings to my heart. Yes, life is good.


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