Monday, November 14, 2016

Make the leap

We are full of worry regarding our security and way of life. We compensate this with a growing sense of guilt, and a feeling of lack with things that do not bring us true happiness, but some strange temporary of elation over the possession of material things.

We come home tired and unfulfilled from our jobs and do not take time to enjoy the beauty of the world around us. We have a sense of futility and frustration and are not at peace within ourselves. This isn't living, for we've lost ourselves and our true purpose.

We need to cast our fear aside in order to see this, to appreciate that time we have and not let it races by. If we don,t we will continue racing around in circles with no end in sight. It takes a leap of faith to let go and get ourselves off the treadmill. We must make this leap, or life will be gone, and we will have missed it.


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