Wednesday, October 30, 2013

God's Opportunities

God puts opportunities in our path. When we ask and are open to them we recognize them when they come. Faith and prayer are the catalyst. The divine is the creator of all things: blessings, gifts, talents, and yes opportunities too.

He can put us in the right place, at the right time, with the right people and miracles can occur. Mountains can move, and the right opportunity to pursue our dreams can appear.

Be conscious, be aware, be open, and be ready! A divine invitation has just been extended. A step on a new path has just been revealed. What are you going to do with it?

If we are in fear we will create many excuses why we cannot drop everything and go for the brass ring, a lack of money, it's the wrong time, we're not ready.  Friends and family as well as ourselves can discourage us.

But if we act in faith we will recognize the divine working in our lives, answering our prayers (even the unspoken ones), offering us the "something more" we have been searching for. The new path we have been seeking. The rainbow to follow to our dreams end.

The opportunity to be our authentic self, fulfilling our destiny, giving what only we can give from the heart, which is love. God planted it there.

We have seen it grow, expand, bud and now it is time for it to open in full bloom. To show the world God's gift that they too may recognize the divine in what only you can do.

You have knocked and He has answered and a new door has been opened to you. Let the light enter. Be in faith that God will provide all that you need to succeed. When we accept and believe, we will receive.

Continue to pray for guidance and also take the time to listen in the silence, for that inner voice which is the divine speaking, and remember He speaks only truth. Be in gratitude a new opportunity has arrived, and thank God.


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