Friday, October 25, 2013

Second Chances

Sometimes what we see as a disaster or loss, is but an opportunity of a new door opening. A new beginning, a gift, a chance for us to make different choices. To choose a new path. To live more authentically. To rediscover the dreams we have buried in the routine of our life.

In a way it is a rebirth of spirit. Sometimes we are given pauses in-between these paths. This is an opportunity to realign ourselves. To be archaeologists of our spirit. To go within and gain a greater self that we were not empowering. A time to study, read, and reprogram our minds, and to free ourselves to all the possibilities before we choose again.

To discover the person we were meant to be. A time to breathe as well as to take care of old business that closure may be complete. We need to dot all those I's spiritually as well as mentally. To take time to release in order to be at peace.

To be in nature escalates the process: whether it's walking he beach or working in the garden. It allows us to fine-tune our soul by opening to the wonders and beauty around us. To realize the miracle of life itself.

What a blessing a new beginning is. It can be an unfolding of all the dreams we tucked away unopened. God must truly love us to give us a chance to start anew. And if we are experiencing fears and uncertainty, this pause is the time to release them to the universe that we may recapture our excitement of life and to know God's love for us.

We can ask for divine guidance and it will be given. It is a time of healing and to find joy. There is a purpose to all things and not everyone knows the blessing of a second chance. It is like Christmas in April or snow in Hawaii and we're the recipient.


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