Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Embrace the day

The summeresque sun is out again today doing its work of turning snow into rivulets of water making their way to the backyard or washing down to the streets below the hill I live on. The patches first appear around the plants that were buried as if their extra heat gives an incentive to clearing it away. A wee Brown Squirrel was scratching in the flower bed in search of food and as I had cleaned up most of the husks he wasn't having much luck in finding any. I shelled some peanuts and dropped them from the deck above. The Mickey Squirrel must have thought it was manna from heaven when he located the first one. Grabbing it the squirrel sat in a flowerpot with his treasure to feast upon. It took him almost five minutes to accomplish the devouring of one peanut, not like the quick work the bigger grays make of it. I don't think he had ever had a peanut before as he ate it was such reverence and relish as I watched out of his sight from above.

Since I moved the pan of seeds to the side of the house it hasn't had as much traffic as before. Either Gutsy the squirrel  doesn't like the area it's in as well or he hasn't discovered its new whereabouts. Neither have the birds been fighting in it but instead have been eating from the several hanging bird feeders.

I was reminiscing as I lounged outdoors of small planes that were flying overhead, in formation, just yesterday. There were three in the group, two white and the red one, circling above me in several loops and then one more trailing far behind. Finally, after several passes, they changed direction and headed back toward the small airport they had recently left, with the tilt of their wings and, I'm sure, a sense of satisfaction.

A small bevy of quail have made their way from the back yard to go up the hill into the forested area across the street. It's not like the whole group, which sometimes comes to my hill, but just a small representation of the whole.

The computer has brought results of much activity in the genealogy search of late. New relatives have been located in far-off lands. It puts an excitement into the rhythm of the day. Also old pictures have been located causing the past to come to life on my screen and looking back at me. It's hard to express just how much finding out about my roots means to me, a true blessing indeed.

I embrace the wonderful gift of this day and all the blessings that it has brought to me and I look forward to tomorrow.


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