Thursday, November 30, 2017

Rain, shopping and quiet time

It seems odd to be grateful for rain but it was a change that is exciting. This is only the second time I have seen rain up here, as the last time was when I came up to paint before I moved in. I have seen quite a bit of snow and I still find it entrancing and beautiful but we, at least every once in a while, all need change.

The bulbs are trying to bloom; gold petals are ready to open in the flower bed courtesy of the last occupant. The ones in my barrel planter have been waiting for it to warm enough for weeks but instead, repeatedly, get refrozen. My son decided I needed it moved to my deck and as heavy as it is, it surely won't be moved again soon, at least not by me.

My friend is going into Bakersfield wants to know if I want to tag along so I hurry to ready myself. It is an opportunity too good to bypass, as I need to restock some supplies and check out the roads. If they are good enough I will head for Santa Clarita tomorrow to keep my hair appointment. I hope I have the right date as my stylist forgot to give me an appointment card. I also want to develop film and prepare more greeting cards in the hope of making some income. I see that I have some competition in the local grocery store but not in the antique shop, as yet.

The road back home was being monitored and only residents, or those that had business in the area, were being let through. Still there were trespassers cutting through the barbed wire of the ranch fences on the way home and cars leaving litter along the highway, their calling card upon departing. I can see why it is necessary to limit visitors. Others have been caught stealing lumber, cutting down trees without permits, or being a danger on the mountainous roads as if they had a death wish to self and others.

Men don't linger to shop so we were back home in a little over two hours and the cats were anxious to welcome me and check out my packages. They love playing in bags.

The rain had let up leaving a freshness in the air behind. I felt it a perfect day to make a pot of soup and relax, play fetch with the kitten, and do some cuddle time with all my cats, as well is some necessary chores. I'm exhausted from the high energy and the lack of sleep over the past few days, and so this quite time is deeply appreciated by all.


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