Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lift me up

Lift me up Oh Lord that I may cherish the day before me and realize the joy it holds. My heart is open to your love and all the beauty around me. I play music that tells of the beauty of the morning and of the day and I feel gratitude for the gift of this day.

Not all days will we fill clear headed or at our peak but still we can make the best of the day we have been given. To set our mind and our heart to make the most of what we have. There is beauty when we look for it even on the stormiest of days.

Music uplifts our spirit. Love reaches out to us across the miles and life is good indeed. I am grateful to see clearly through the denseness of the times and ask you to send the light shining through to feel your warmth surrounding me and to lift up my spirit.

I feel a hunger for sustenance and a peace of spirit. I know you are with me in the clear and the cloudy days to enlighten and guide me. Yes it is truly beautiful to be alive, to be in appreciation to the best of our ability.

To not waste one day but to realize the gift it is. To savor it, use it well, to put a purpose in all that we do. You feed the hunger of my spirit, Dear Lore, you comfort me in all my days. You let the sun shine around me and the wind to blow away our fears and the clouds just as you cleanse our minds of the mustiness clogging it.

You open us to new experiences to focus on all that is good in our lives and forget the little inconveniences. To put life into perspective. To sometimes slow us down so that we may take time to notice all the small things we would otherwise overlook.

Thank you for the many angels in my life both the earth bound and the ones of light. I am blessed with the solitude of the day and with the words you send to warm my heart that always lift me up.


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