Friday, October 17, 2014

Live God's Way

Sometimes what we plan is not the way our day or our life goes. Sometimes God has other things in mind for us. Instead of struggling to have our way in life, it helps to ask God what we are meant to be doing for God wants more for us than we do for ourselves.

Not in material things although He will supply us in abundance but in living our lives joyfully and fully in service to a greater purpose. Nothing is this life is an accident or random so we need to look for the lessons in all things for greater understanding and spiritual growth.

Make every day an accomplishment. Live consciously, not in self-pity or idleness. Give to others from the heart not for acknowledgement or boastfulness. Live enthusiastically, counting your blessings, for when we live in the glory of God they are many and nothing is taken for granted.

Love what you do and do what you love, God will direct your way and open many new doors for you. Set aside time to relax, to just be, for friends and family. Spend time daily learning something new and on the spirit that it may grow.

Make nature a part of your life, spend time each day outdoors, buy yourself flowers, plant bulbs. See the hand of God everywhere for everything is a creation of His hand. Live in peace but not in ignorance. Learn compassion not intolerance.

Do not mimic the behavior you dislike in others or use the excuse your are paying them back in kind. Always ask yourself if God would approve and live accordingly. Do not spend your time in criticism but lead by example. Do everything in the spirit of love.

Ask the angels to be with you each day. Ask them to teach you and they will. God provides instructors both visible and invisible, He is not limiting. Whatever we need God is willing to provide but we must first learn to ask, to communicate, to listen and to be still, to observe.

To recognize the inner voice that is the Holy Spirit. To not demand but to live patiently. God does not live in our time schedule but His own. He gave us life here to make the world a much better place, and to love Him and one another.


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