Monday, February 9, 2015

Prayer Partners

Even if you don't believe. Believe that I believe for you. When we pray for others we are professing our faith that we can act as intercessors on their behalf. Even when they are in doubt the faith of others will be heard on their behalf.

We do not know the lessons they need to learn as we do not know the lessons we are yet to encounter. But we can have faith for ourselves and for them that God works for their best interests as He does for us. God loves all His children, even the prodigal son and those that are lost as the sheep.

We each have periods of the dark night of the soul that does proceed and follows times of change, of a new path. Believe that you will come out of this tunnel and into the light and that God will guide your steps. God wants us to release our fears into His hands that He may work miracles, small and large, in our lives and give us new faith.

When you are in doubt seek spiritual prayer partners that can pray with and for you. When you have doubts they will have belief for you for they trust in God and His unconditional love. All prayers are heard and when one or more of us pray together in His name a powerful force is created.

God cares for each and every little thing in the universe, nothing is too small for his notice. He knows everything you think and feel, all of your fears and anxieties. God wants you to ask for His help, his guidance and will give you what you need when you need it.

Do not be afraid to ask. He will provide you with abundance, with a place of your own, the right opportunities, all that you need to succeed. Just as He gives the earth the rain, the birds an ability to fly, nectar for the  bees, so too will He provide for you.

But when we are in fear we block our own growth and abundance therefore seek a prayer partner for their strength and prayers that will act on your behalf. From their lips to God's ears.


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