Saturday, February 14, 2015

The gift of gratitude

Gratitude is one of the greatest things we can experience. It is an awareness for all the blessings in our life. It is an attitude that teaches us to look for the good in all things, instead of concentrating on what we feel has gone wrong.

When we start listing our reasons for gratitude each day we find that the reasons for gratitude grow instead of diminish. It is an attitude that changes our whole way of looking at life itself and all our daily experiences. Gratitude strengthens our faith, teaches us a new way of communicating not only with God but with others.

It creates a desire in us to want to share our blessings so that others may experience that joy as well. Gratitude helps us to develop a desire to be of service, to make a difference, to teach these principles so that others may understand this consciousness of living gratitude brings, as well.

Gratitude teaches us to have a closer relationship with God, to our fellow man and all creation. It teaches us to live responsibly, to be aware of the consequences of all that we do or fail to do. A gratitude attitude enlarges life in ways that were unexpected.

Gratitude increases love, eliminates intolerance and teaches us to see everything in the light of God. Gratitude is more than appreciation, it is being spiritually attentive in live. It is always striving to be the best that we can be, of being aware of our actions and a desire to make a difference in our existence.

We learn through gratitude to reach out and touch others. It becomes, not as much about ourselves, but all things. And all things become a part of us. We learn not to overlook the smallest kindness. It changes negatives into positives through a new way of seeing and of being thankful.

It changes things from an obligation to a joy. It increases all our senses to a new height of awareness and it brings us into a state of peace. Gratitude is not a school curriculum but it is one of God's lessons. The more of it we have, the more we learn to give, and the greater joy we live!


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