Saturday, July 5, 2014

God is my inspiration

God inspires me in whatever I say or do. I've learned to ask Him for the words that I may express the love He has given me to feel each day. The blessings of friends and family and the abundance and joy He enriches my life with. I am grateful He has turned my life around.

Not long ago my life was filled with stress and hopelessness doing what I no longer enjoyed doing and feeling out of step with my world. But the minute I turned to Him He answered my prayers. He gave me time to find myself and to seek a new path.

He gave me the tools I needed to free my spirit and to release the bitterness, sorrow, anger and inner pain I had been carrying for so long. He opened up a whole new world of possibilities and provided abundance for my journey.

He took away my fear and replaced it with faith. And He introduced me to world of others making their own journey. I've learned to take time for myself. To put God first before anything. I begin and and each day with Him and I am content.

He put the creation of a new life in my path and has accompanied me on my way each and every step. He slows me down so that I take time to really see and appreciate life, beauty, friends, family. From the smallest squirrel and Hummingbird to the wonders in the sky and each passing cloud.

The rabbits that come out at night, each tree and flower. He has taught me how to go within and reflect that inner peace in my outward world and to all I meet along the way. I do not know what the next turn in the road holds but I do know that with Him by my side I anticipate with joy each new experience.

Life truly is a blessing when we live it with God for he enriches each aspect of it. He knows what we are here to learn and He supplies us abundantly with the means to serve Him with gratitude and joy.


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