Thursday, July 31, 2014

You are the path I follow

Lord you speak and let me listen for the words. Let me not try to lead for I do not know where I am going, but to ask for divine guidance and to let you show me the way. Let me seek peace instead of possessions, knowing that all I need you will provide for me and more.

Let me be open to your teaching Dear God. Let me remember to ask for your help rather than stumble and fall on my own. Let me treat others with the kindness that you show to me. Let me remember that you put me here for a purpose and let me seek your help in fulfilling it.

Help me to let go, Oh Lord, that I cannot receive until I release. To hold on to something that is not my destiny blocks what is from arriving. Help me to have faith. Let me remember that those you send will uplift my spirit and not degrade and humiliate me.

The nay-sayers I encounter were not sent by you but they can help me to realize that I need to turn to you. Let me be honest always in my dealings with others. Let me put you first before all things. Let me remember that you love me unconditionally and that I am your child and so are the many I meet along the path as I travel through this life.

Let me be grateful for those I can be my true self with, that help me connect with my spirit and with you. Let me know when I am on the right path instead of stubbornly pursuing "my" path even when it is not working and I feel unfulfilled.

Let me know the joy of following your lead. Help me to have greater understanding. Help me to conquer the fear of change. Let me be grateful for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me and that all good things come from you.

Teach me to have patience, that growing spiritually takes time. I am in a period of evolution, of growth, of change, of enlightenment. You, Dear Lord are the constant in my life. You never leave me but are always here with me.

My light in the darkness showing me the way. In you I both seek and find. You have given me a whole new life. Much is ahead of me and you will reveal it in time.


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