Saturday, July 30, 2016

Today's blank page

We all seek to find a greater meaning to our life. It is our deepest instinct. Like a gravity pull of the spirit seeking a richer Divine connection. Our purpose is to live our life not crowded to exhaustion, but with quiet purpose.

It is not continuous excitement our soul needs but inner peace. Each day is a new page we write. What we choose to put on it is our choice. We can decide to make it one of value, of joy, of awareness, filed with love and acts of kindness instead of a myriad of useless activity.

We can start it with prayer and end it with gratitude. We can choose a simpler path that cherishes life and Divine creation. We can take time to sit quiet in nature and to realize its beauty and wonder.

We can value the gift of the day. We can share what we have with others even if that sharing is only a thought, love, a kindness given. Offer the gift of this day to your Divine spirit. Be at peace, not impatient. Breathe in the energy of life.

There is power in quiet contemplation and a feeling of being centered. Listen to your spirit speak to you. Release all anxiety. To be quiet is not passive but a passionate consciousness. The hidden is revealed in our awareness.

Each leaf, each breeze, each sunbeam, each flutter of a butterfly wing takes on a richer meaning. and an illumination of all life in the world. Be a child for a day and explore the garden, see pictures in the clouds, feed the squirrels and birds.

Lay down on your stomach and see a pet's eyed view of the world. It's enchanting. You can take time to nurture and still accomplish much. Prepare a surprise for someone you love. Just because. Realize there is more happiness in small things than in saving up for one big one that may never come. The greatest gift we have is love and its expressing is free.


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