Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Let go to learn

There is no purpose in life until we include the Divine in every aspect of it. Until we recognize the synchronicity of the events and people God puts into our lives and listen to and for the messages He sends.

He shows us the way when we release the reins and let go and let God. Then we experience the wonder that is life as we allow it to unfold through God. It may develop down paths we didn't imagine we would take and have greater satisfaction than we ever knew possible.

When we stop worrying about the material things in life and allow God to provide we realize He takes care of our needs so that we can concentrate more fully on the spiritual, on serving Him to our best abilities and on our greater purpose.

Yes, when we let go and let God, life is richer, our faith stronger, and we can accomplish things we never dreamed possible. Life itself takes on a whole new meaning. At times He may have us slow down, that we can become more aware.

Information that is needed to contribute to our growth will appear whether it is through the written word, the media, or through other people. What we need He will provide. We must but release our foolish human worries, false pride, and become humble servants of the Divine to realize the difference we too can make in the lives of others as He enriches our own lives.

The great creator that made all things, including us, knows our possibilities better than we and wants more for us than we could imagine for ourselves. He sees the "big picture" that we, with our human eyes and vision, cannot see. Dear God, let me let go that you may lead me and I may learn how to serve your will.


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